Draw Comics With Your Kid, Parent, Grandparent, or Babysitter Workshop

Draw comics with Jonathan Todd, the author of the new graphic novel Timid! Bring your Parent, Grandparent, or Babysitter. Create comics from your lives, and interview  a parent, grandparent, babysitter or other caregiver about something interesting that happened to them when they were a kid.  The grown-up gets to ask their young person about a scary, funny or embarrassing episode in their life too! For the second half of the workshop, Jonathan will coach the kids and adults in how to transform their stories into a one-page comic. 

Art supplies included.  (Note: A grown-up can be interviewed by 1-2 kids or two grown-ups can interview the same child, because the same story will always be drawn a little differently by each cartoonist.)

Ages: 7-14

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