The Newbury Town Library provides a wide range of materials and services to patrons who visit the library. However, we realize that some Newbury patrons are unable to visit the Library due to physical limitations or illness. The Newbury Town Library Homebound Delivery Policy seeks to provide materials to Newbury patrons who otherwise would not have a library experience.
Criteria for Homebound Delivery Service
A Newbury resident requesting homebound delivery services is required to meet one of the following criteria:
- Permanent physical disabilities which prevent an individual from visiting the library.
- Temporary physical limitations (or illness) which prevent an individual from visiting the library for a minimum of three weeks or longer.
- Severe mobility problems which prevent an individual from visiting the library.
Any Newbury resident who is unable to come to the library due to limited mobility, illness or physical disability is eligible for homebound delivery, within the available resources. Homebound status may be permanent or temporary. Eligibility will be
established when a librarian conducts a phone interview with the interested patron. Should the patron not have a library card, the librarian will assist the patron in obtaining one.
Upon applying for homebound status, the patron will participate in a phone interview with a librarian who will fill out a Homebound Services Questionnaire to establish their borrowing and reading tastes. The patron is welcome to request specific titles, genres and formats and/or may ask the librarian to select materials based on his/her questionnaire responses.
Deliveries and pickups will be weekly via the Newbury Council on Aging van. In the event of bad weather or staffing issues, the library reserves the right to cancel delivery and pickup for that week.