Need a library card?
We can help! 
Please know that as a Newbury/Byfield resident, you can always have access to Newbury Town Library’s e-resources.  If you need a library card or are having trouble with one you already have, simply email Liz at and she will help you out!

You can also get a Boston Public Library eCard, no library visit necessary.  This will provide you with even more access to eResources through the BPL – available to all Massachusetts residents and workers online.

Newbury residents may obtain a library card by presenting proof of residency (license, utility or tax bill) and a picture ID. Children under age 12 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with acceptable identification to sign their application. Children age 12 and over must have acceptable identification (school ID, license) or be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with acceptable identification.

What Can You Do With Your Library Card?

  • Borrow books, DVDs, CDs, e-books, and other materials
  • Use our research databases
  • Place holds to reserve items
  • Reserve your items from home and get email notification for pick-up. Ask any NTL staff member if you need help with this service. Pick-up and check-out your items at the library location you choose (any library within the MVLC). Items will be held for 7 days. Check-out period is generally 3 weeks.
  • Place interlibrary loan requests for items the MVLC does not own.
  • Check your account online: To reserve items, renew your items, view or cancel reserved items
  • Membership has many privileges. Get your library card today!

* Like other Merrimack Valley Library Consortium members, the Newbury Town Library requires that you present your card whenever you check out books or other items from the Library.

Your Password

Passwords will default to the last four digits of your phone number unless you specify a different password.Passwords can contain letters and numbers and can be changed by logging in to your account.

Borrowing & Renewing

Access My Account Online

  • Sign up to receive email reminders when books are due and overdue.
  • Sign up to receive email notification and or text message when your reserved items are ready for pick up.
  • Renew your library materials. As long as no one is waiting for your item, most materials can be renewed online.

Borrowing Periods for Library Materials

Items can easily be renewed by logging in to your account, so long as no other patron is waiting for the item. Patrons can also call or visit the library to renew their items.

  • Books – 3 weeks, renewable 2 times if not requested by another patron
  • Hot Title Books – 2 weeks, non-holdable, non-renewable
  • Audiobooks – 3 weeks, renewable 2 times if not requested by another patron
  • Magazines – 2 weeks, renewable 2 times if not requested by another patron
  • Music CDs – 3 weeks, renewable  2 times if not requested by another patron
  • DVDs – 1 week, renewable 1 time if not requested by another patron
  • Hot Title DVDs – 1 week, non-renewable, Only 1 Hot Title DVD can be borrowed at a time
  • HotSpots – 2 weeks, non-holdable, non-renewable

Hot Titles – Hot Titles are second copies of popular new books that are only available to walk-in patrons. They cannot be reserved or held, and can only be checked out for 2 weeks.

Hot Title DVDs – Hot Title DVDs are select new titles of popular, new DVDs that are only available to walk-in patrons. They cannot be reserved or held.

Borrow an item listed in the catalog but that is currently circulating

Place a Hold

  • You may request items yourself, from the Online Catalog  Log in with your library card and password.  Search for the title, click the “Place Hold” link. Some rental dvds are not available.  If you need to request a specific magazine issue, please contact the reference desk at the library.
  • You may request an item at the Circulation Desk when you are in the library.
  • You may request an item by calling the library at 978-465-0539

Borrow an item not listed in the catalog

  • You may search the state-wide Commonwealth Catalog, called ComCat, from the Main Search Screen.  Find it listed on the Online Catalog screen in the gray bar, just above Advanced Search.  You will be searching libraries in Massachusetts outside of the MVLC Library Consortium.  You will need your library card and password.
  • If the item cannot be found in the Commonwealth Catalog, a request can be made to the library, either in person or by calling. At this point, a Mediated Interlibrary Loan can be set in motion.  Library staff will then search out of state for your item.