Newbury Town Library Local History Collection Development Policy
Mission The purpose of the local history collection is to preserve materials that document the history of Newbury and its residents. Newbury Town Library will preserve and maintain these materials for future generations by using accepted preservation methods, and providing access to the materials under safe and secure conditions. Therefore, Local History materials may be reviewed in the Local History Room only.
Scope The focus of the collection will include materials about the history of Newbury, Massachusetts, and, to a lesser extent, materials about the surrounding geographical area including Salisbury, Newburyport and the Merrimack Valley that establish Newbury within its historical context. Emphasis is also given to the acquisition of those materials which will contribute to a knowledge of the region’s social, civic, religious, economic and cultural life, past and present. Genealogical records and family histories pertaining to founding families of Newbury may be collected.
Collecting Policy The Local History collection will acquire items in the following formats: books, diaries, pamphlets, newsletters, bulletins, periodicals, reports, letters, speeches, newspapers, manuscripts, documents, maps, atlases, clippings, postcards, scrapbooks, photographs, photographic negatives, slides, films, videotapes, electronic materials, paintings, posters, stereo views, genealogical records, memorabilia and ephemera such as commemorative programs and advertisements.
The library welcomes donations to its Local History Collection. Donors must sign a “Deed of Gift” transferring ownership and copyright, if applicable, to the Newbury Town Library. The donor and the library each retain a copy of the deed of gift.
Staff, space, and budget limitations are considerations when adding new materials. Materials that fall beyond the scope of the collection, or need repair costing more than their intellectual value will not be collected. All materials must be free of dirt, mold, moisture, and pests, and must be in good or repairable condition.
The Local History Collection is available to researchers and the general public during regular library hours. Certain restrictions are in place to protect the future viability of rare and/or fragile materials. Materials do not circulate although duplicate copies of some items can be found in the circulating collection. To measure use, researchers may be asked to sign a register when using any historical resource. Photocopying is allowed only at the discretion of the senior staff person. Due to staff limitations, detailed research assistance is not available.
Cooperative Agreements The Newbury Town Library has a cooperative arrangement with the Newbury Historical Commission in order to preserve historical materials and/or make them more widely available.
Discarding Materials Newbury Town Library reserves the right to withdraw materials that do not fit within the scope of the Local History Collection. Withdrawn items may be offered to other repositories donated to the Friends of the Library, or discarded.
Approved, Library Board of Trustees February 2020