All seeds were generously donated by Beach Plum Farms
Nursery and Garden Center.
How it works :
The Newbury Seed Library offers anyone in Newbury the opportunity to borrow heirloom and open pollinated seeds for free. The goal is to create a self-sustaining seed library where growers who borrow seeds will save and return seeds to the library after they have harvested their crops. Those seeds will then be offered to borrowers during the next growing season and the cycle can repeat itself.
Over time, the seeds become stronger and increasingly acclimated to Newbury growing conditions. Simply use our sign-out sheet to record the seeds you will be borrowing this season and then return the harvested seeds in the fall for next years lending. Its that easy!
Resources about seeds, propagation and harvesting
Seedsavers blog
The library has an extensive collection of books and eBooks on gardening available for checkout.